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The following is a selection of news and feature pieces I have produced or edited. These include articles published for Berry Stories and on the Berry College student-run multimedia news and entertainment site, Viking Fusion.


01 December 2020

As the curator for the Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience, history grad Anna Tucker builds on experiences she began at Berry over a decade ago.

20 October 2020

As the head coach for the Bluefins, a USA swim team in Carrollton, Ga., Matt Siniard mentors young people, just as he was guided by Berry coaches.


30 December 2019

Audio news piece featuring personal stories of non-music majors participating in Berry music ensembles.

09 December 2019

Set to be completed in January 2020, renovations in the Ford Auditorium have caused music ensembles to rehearse and perform in different spaces on campus.


27 September 2019

Berry alumna Sarah Steffan wasn’t one to limit herself. Instead, she found the common thread in all of her interests: a dedication to improving the lives of others. 

06 September 2019

Berry College Athletics’ dynamic duo, Adekale Ande and Bryce Koon, found parallel paths after graduating in 2019. Adekale and Bryce are now working as athletic communications graduate assistants.

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